Saturday, October 6, 2018

#26: Uesugi Pumpkin Farm!

The family and I escaped to Gilroy and bought some pumpkins at the Uesugi Pumpkin Farm in Morgan Hill Ca today.

At this point, I should label it a tradition. We go, because Lizzie loves...loves picking out pumpkins. In the picture above, she already had her eyes set out on that perfect pumpkin. The rule we tell her is, "If you can pick it up. It's yours." Lizzie always attempts to get one her height and breaks the huge stem picking it up. I can't blame her for trying. My younger self would have tried just the same technique, lol.

Obviously, Lizzie got a traditional wheel barrel ride, I lost another 20 pounds in the picture above, making my weight loss 120 pounds. Geez, I'm wasting away!

The family hopped on the train, and took it around the park. Whether I was 400 pounds or 260 pounds, I still cant sit in those seats at 6'1 feet, lol.

Lizzie did her regular animal zoo visits, and rode another pony named, "Smiley." The employee there stated, "If you blow on Smiley's nose, he'll smile!"

Any who. So, after the rides, we went into the pumpkin patch and got 3 baby sized pumpkins, a fairytale pumpkin and I believe a Cinderella pumpkin shaped ordeal. 

After this adventure, we made a stop to go eat. Keeping up on the weight loss, I had shrimp. The girls went to Popeye's Fried Chicken. We also made another stop and got some frozen yogurt.

Man, when we got home, I was drained, and had zero energy? Not sure what happened? Amanda took a long nap. When she woke up, she tagged me out and I laid in bed for a good couple of hours.

As far as the book series goes, I am working on the 2nd book, and I'll be posting characters sketches on FACEBOOK

As we enter another Halloween theme month, be sure to stay safe, but at the same time have fun!

Stay Frosty Friends!
