Saturday, June 16, 2018

#7: Character Profile: God-Saint NIcholas- Santa Skulls- Krampus

Hello All. In this post is simply the character profiles of God, Saint Nicholas, Santa Skulls, and Krampus. In my last post, God and Nicholas (Santa Claus) are observing reality below them to make sure the rules are being followed among the humans. 

The story begins to unfold as Santa Skulls feels a tad unappreciated for doing his job as the counterpart of Nicholas, and puts his focus on D and Panda. It is funny, as I wrote this book, I thought it would be a great idea to have Santa reward the good, but to add a counter part as Skulls to punish the bad. As I did research, I found that there is a Austrian folklore involving this. After my research I blended this idea to my own for additional content to the novel. Here is one of the links to my research: Krampus

Another question has been asked is, "Why does God resemble Elmer Fudd from Bugs Bunny." Here's my answer. I feel God has a sense of humor. Two. Could a mere mortal such as ourselves take in the true form of our creator? I'm guessing no.

In designing the others, i took a natural approach to each one. I kept the Saint Nicholas design traditional: beard, stocky, and fire engine red. I did throw in a type of hillbilly grandpa look and muscular upscale look. I feel it is a nice touch.

Santa Skulls. I took the design a little yin of the yang of good old Saint Nick. I through in a little ginger, inbred stingy look. Same with the clothing and colors. Since I branded the name "Santa Skulls," I felt a skull needed to be represented. I made his nose and the bell on his beanie represent that of a skull. I made Skulls a bit smaller to give him a type of short man complex with a dash of anger management issues.

Krampus's design had some upgrading due to this old design. This will be a surprise you as you read the book. I kept some things similar, but I did add a lot more detail then what you are currently looking at.

I feel each of the characters definitely struggle through out the story. A lot of what they say has truth, so there is much to analyze as the story thickens.

Enjoy the character designs.

Until we meet again,


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