Friday, June 8, 2018

#6:Do you have the same religious beliefs that you had as a child? If so, why? If not, how and why did they change?

You know, as a child, I was curious about God, angels, and the afterlife. And at one point, I was afraid of death, because I was simply too young to understand the topic being only in elementary school.

When I use to live in Sunnyvale California, I presented a question to a person I once knew. I asked, "Who is God?" This same person grabbed a pen and a piece of paper, then they drew a circle. Next, they had pointed at the drawing and replied, "That is God. God is infinite like this circular line."

I stared at the drawn circle for just a moment before saying, "If God is this infinite circle, then who/what represents the pen?" And of course no response was given.

As I got older, I went to different churches to find my place in life. I went to a Catholic Church down the street from where I lived and attended a service. My time spent there didn't feel right. Then I took another chance and went with friends and family to a Christian church. This religion felt warm and welcoming. I went to several places in San Jose, Sunnyvale, Sonora, and even one in Arizona. Most places introduced me, and several people shook my hand with a smile. I felt at ease. It felt nice to belong to something.
My belief in God is very strong, and I pray daily. However, I rarely go to church and this is my choice. I have had talks with my mom regarding if I needed to go to church on a regular basis. I believe she had replied, "No." Her opinion is that if you have a good heart, and you do your best in life, that's all God needs from anyone. I do believe God sees and knows all. I know God hears your thoughts, prayers, emotions, and intentions. 

Oh here is an interesting fact, did you know our molecular structure is shaped like a cross? It is called a Laminin Molecule, the proof of divine creation. Here's the link: Laminin Molecule 

I feel I have the same religious beliefs as I did as a child, but simply more refined as an adult. I also feel the most important factor in this blog is listening and accepting all religious beliefs as my own. There is a lot in society we can learn from other cultures, and one another. In the end, religion is a choice, a decision, and which defines all of us as individuals. I respect any path each of us has taken for their journey.
In my novel, The World Is Rigged, I have God as an observer along with Saint Nicholas (Santa). Their roles are interesting and play a huge factor in the series. The two almost post themselves as parental figures overseeing life on Earth, and secretly planning behind the scenes. In my next blog, I will share the character profiles of God, Saint Nicholas, Santa Skulls, and Krampus.
Until we meet again,
"I feel that God has a sense of humor. Just take a moment in silence and look around our surroundings. What do you notice?"

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