Sunday, December 16, 2018

29: What a Holiday Season!

I been absent for a while now. Here's why:

Car Accident:
Thursday before Thanksgiving week, I was in a "Hit & Run" Car wreck. Yes, let me explain:
I left work around 6pm. due to Day light saving time in November it gets dark here in California. I entered the round about, and instead of heading straight to the highway, I decide to take the back roads in case of a holiday accident to avoid sitting in traffic as I made that right turn, something told me to take the more straight forward route, and I didn't.

Before I reached the back roads by the apartments, a Dodge caravan in the opposite lane began drifting into my lane at the last minute. I immediately swerved to my right side of the lane, and the driver scraped up my. New. 2018. HONDA CRV and kept driving off. I immediately flipped around, called the cops, and continued chasing her. The emergency person on the line stated, "Doe the driver appear to be drunk?"

I stated, "I. I don't know. I'm in the middle of chasing her down!"

So here is the punch in the nut sack. I continued to honk, throw on and off my high beams to let her know I'm behind her, and you know where she stops? 50 feet from my job! Can you believe that? Here's a Google Earth view of the fun:

If I remember the story correctly (Notes sent to her insurance), We both got out of the car and the following conversation took place:

Me: "Are you okay?"
driver: "Your headlights blinded me."
Me: "What are you doing staring at them in the dark?"
driver: "Did you call the cops?"
Me: "Yes! You drove into my lane and destroyed my car!" I point to the damage.
driver: "I didn't think I have to stop. I didn't think I did that much damage?"
Me: "You stop no matter how bad it was, so the police can inspect the collision damage, area, location..."

So, the police came took both our information, cited the driver for the hit & run, and sent us both home. The driver never started a claim, so more work for me to do. Just this past week, the driver admitted fault, so now I need to get the car fixed.

House Appliances:
Damn the car accident drove and continued on into my home, starting with the stove. Yup, it stopped working. It got bad to the point you had to light the damn thing up with a BBQ lighter, and only one burner worked. We got a new one. And yeah, this was a lengthy story as well.

I asked Amanda to ask her dad if he knew of anyone that could cut tile. Through text, he stated, "I can. I'll help you out."Her dad suggested to go through Craig's List to find a cheap/new one. We decided to go through Home Depot or Lowe's. New Gas ovens 36' sizes (closest that will fit the hole on our counter) ran around $400 and up, due to Black Friday/ Holiday sales. 

Luckily, I went to Amazon and found a new one for $250.00 and it was child proof! And it just fit the hole we needed! Boom, Amanda's dad just needed to cut 1/2 inch of tile on only one side!!!!

He comes over one weekend to do this. I thought it was nice that he wanted to help, and we stated it would our Christmas present. This is what went wrong...

He began complaining. He suggested I go to Home Depot or Lowe's and order one that fit the hole after he told me to go on Craig's List to buy a used one. Geez, I called this out before it happened. I told him the following:

Larry, I did the following:
-I went on Craig's List for 2 hours
-I went to 3 different Home Depot Stores
-I went to 3 different Lowe's stores
-Both stores said the same thing after looking at the picture
a) It is an "OLD" model.
b) The cut out dimensions are different from the newer models
c) The hole will need to be cut to fit any new model in
d) The Amazon model is the closet I found that will fit and less work to do

So what does he do...
-Larry...ignores my explanation
-Calls a local Home Depot
-Asks a sales rep to give him the cut out dimensions for multiple gas top ovens
-In the end after two hours, the sales rep tells him what I told him
-Larry decides to install what I bought anyway

In the end, we took him out to lunch, and off he went. Thank you Larry.

The refrigerator:
The following day from the oven experience, the refrigerator stopped working. No joke. Ice melted, food stunk, and the family and I had to throw out $200 plus worth of food. The SEARS repair guy came and charged us $100 to tinker around with it. In the end, he handed me a 10% off coupon and stated the compressor was broke and there was no fluid to keep the food cold. He temporarily fixed it, and our $1000.00 refrigerator comes in Monday. I'm planning to do some food art and will probably deduct this from taxes.

From the car wreck, I recently got X-RAYS & a MRI done. I come to find out (I believe if I read the report right) I have (4) bulging disks in my spine, and the start of scoliosis. And I still need to speak to my doctor to see if I read that right, and if a doctors note is needed for work? 

Rigg LLC Logo (top picture):
I recently got my Rigg LLC formed. I love the new logo. What are your thoughts? Here is the meaning behind it:

When those have a great idea most think it is in a straight line. You start it, peruse it, and finish it. In reality, you start the idea and in the process start making mistakes along the way. Interestingly enough, it is through these mistakes we take these odd turns to learn a great deal, and create something great within this chaos.

My logo is an arrow of how an idea starts and finishes. The dragon bubble represents the great idea created from these same mistakes (the dragon here also represents my Chinese new year animal, which I think is wicked, lol!).

Now for the slogan, I am stuck between either:
"Always moving forward."
"Making your mark."

Until next time,
