Saturday, July 28, 2018

16: Adventures in Arizona

Hello "True Believers," and welcome to my travel series. This go around the family and myself ran away to Arizona to visit family.

We did a ton of adventures, which are:
1. Mon: Sedona & Mortimer Farms
2. Tue: Out of Africa
3. Wed: The Grand Canyon & Horse Shoe Bend
4. Thu: Tombstone (The infamous wild west ghost town)
5. Fri: Odysea (Arizona Aquarium)

Monday - Sedona & Mortimer Farms:
Sedona was great! For those that have been to the states (like California), Sedona is very much like Carmel and Santa Cruz blended together as one town rich in red rock all around the area. The main strip (or road) has nothing but shops like: jewelry, tarot readings, trinkets, clothing, and desserts. Other shops included restaurants like Mexican, Italian, coffee, American, and etc. You really can't go wrong where one went. The people are nice, and love to chat your ears off. The heat really wasn't a big deal, and is kind of a stereotype among most individuals. It really all depends on the humidity. For instance in these two places, the humidity was low, so the weather was 90 degrees out but felt like a cool California 70 degrees out.

Mortimer Farms is just down the highway on the way to Prescott. Its a cute farm place for kids. You pay $10 dollars for each person. Once inside, there are chickens and goats the children can feed and pet. A western playground: Car tires in the shade of horses that the little ones sit on and get pushed like a carrousel, a ridiculous over size inflated trampoline, a race track with tricycles, slides, zipline, and a western playground. If a family pays extra, you can go berry picking.

Tuesday - Out of Africa:
Wow! I had a mixed review on this. I better start off with the pro's first. We did a tiger, giraffe, and a sloth feeding. I had a blast with the sloth feeding, and here's why? I do not know anywhere in California where you can pet and feed a sloth, so it was a must! Second, it was cheap here to do. $60 for up to three people. Other places to feed a sloth was $60 per person. So, I already know this is the best idea currently. I learned a lot about the sloth. For instance, the sloth has no sweat glands, so it never smells,lol. It moves slowly, has poor eye sight, and loves to be pet. The tiger feeding was $5 per person, but I also liked the giraffe feeding. All guests got a piece of celery. I put mine piece in my mouth so I would get a kiss (with a picture as a bonus!). The giraffe feeding was free, also my daughter and I weren't able to feed the giraffe, so the driver had us both go to the front of the bus to get our kisses. So cool in regards to the gift shop. The staff had a parakeet walking around on the ground. It climb on my shoulders and began talking to me and kissing my face. That was cool. My little had no fear in petting a python snake on the head.

The con side:
Well. Here I go... The zoo/park is outside. It was hot 100' degree with HIGH humidity. Ya you could crack an egg and cook it on the ground. The staff stated you could walk to each exhibit, or you can take a shuttle and see everything as you were sitting down. We chose to be driven around. The family and I were drinking our weight in water, but this didn't help. I felt like I was getting heat stroke. My wife almost fainted twice, and my poor three year old girl was not doing so great either.

Wednesday - Horseshoe Bend & The Grand Canyon:
Horseshoe Bend is up near Page, Az. This was a great experience, but for a price. I kind of contradicted myself, it was free to enter, but I meant we metaphorically paid the price to get there. It was about a mile walk. The first half mile was walking at a 35 degree angle, and the other half was walking down. Remember, going back was the same experience, lol. Two, it was 87' degrees, but the humidity was ferocious! Ya, 87' degrees, but the heat felt like 120' degrees. My favorite tourists, which equaled out to tons... and tons of people. It was kind of awesome though. There were people from France, Korea, Germany, Russia, and etc. Horseshoe Bend is a giant rock surrounded by water in the shape of a horseshoe. The metal railing does not go around the whole area. If one falls, it's a nice quarter of a mile drop. I had my wife watch our daughter as I walked a round to get a good shot. I laid down on the edge and looked down. Man, I felt a case of Vertigo take over. I still got the shot though. I had to rush back, because my daughter was screaming out for me worried I will fall off the edge.

The Grand Canyon Experience:
Hmmm. How do I start this one? Let me start off with the Pro's. The place is big. It has hotels, gas stations, restaurants, animals (We saw extremely big deer: does and bucks), and trains. I got a very nice shot of the grand canyon...

The con...
It was $35 dollars to get in. A fixed price for 7 days. It took a while to get to mid point for pictures. People were difficult to deal with. Cars had to stop in the middle of the road. At first, I thought their had been an accident, or a car off to the road in need of assistance. Nope. People stopped on both sides of the road, dodging in and out of people trying to pass, because they wanted a picture of a deer eating near the side of the road. So what did I do? In order to handle the frustration, I waited until I could accelerate, and honked the car. My wife stated these people gave me the stink eye, due to the buck running away, lol. Hear me out for a second, okay. What you do not know is every 100 feet were deer. And every 100 feet was a parking off the road to take pictures, and not block the road. These people were not respectful of other families time, and were self inflated of what they were doing at that moment in time. Given those factors, I couldn't help to honk and drive away laughing...

Thursday - Tombstone (The infamous ghost town of the wild west)!
This was amazing! No cons at all. This was free to get in and parking was fabulous! The people are kind, talkative, and informal. Great people. There was something spiritual walking in this sacred town. This is where Doc Holiday, Whyte Earp, and others walked hundred of years ago. I took a picture of the "Birdcage Theatre." It is know to be extremely haunted, and they give tours. Call me superstitious, but I got a weird negative vibe walking by it, so I passed on going in. We ate at the Longhorn restaurant. Prices are great and affordable. I took a few rocks home as keepsakes. I know these were rocks that Earp, and Holiday could have walked on. It is a place of legend! My wife, daughter and I did a classic western saloon picture. Awesome. The girls got ice-cream. The owners are from California like me. I took this as a good omen, because like them, I am eager to move out to Arizona soon. I just love the people, culture and the arts out here. The heat wasn't bad at all. Low humidity, and we left early before the weather took us. Go early, and leave early and your experience will be great, partners, lol.

Friday - Odysea Aquarium:
This was the families last stop before driving back to California. It is a circular aquarium, and bigger than the Monterey aquarium. The month of July is the "Shark Experience." They got dolphins, and such. Of course my daughter had a great time. The bathrooms were rated as the best bathrooms in the U.S. Why? well lets just say the bathroom is its own shark tank. Ya, I washed my hands as a big Tiger Shark coasted by looking at me like I was a soon to be snack. The place had glass sphere chandeliers filled with water and different variety of fish in each one swimming around. At the end of the exhibit, what appears to be a theatre is actually a 400,00 gallon tank, with a seating room that turns 360' transforming the view to see each species in the exhibit. Ya! Its that cool!

It is over priced. The same company owns the whole out door circular strip mall that houses the aquarium, outer body experience, dinosaur exhibit, swim with dolphins experience, the butterfly exhibit, all restaurants, and stores. I feel the company is greedy. This institution could do a combo sale and sell tickets cheaper for a rate for doing all the over all experience. Instead, you are charged full admission for all places!? Greed, Greed, Greed. Really hard to enjoy beautiful places like these if you are a blue collar worker. This is just my opinion.

Outside of this, the family and I had a great experience! And like this wonderful journey, I can't help to think how it relates to The World is Rigged book that will be published this year. The adventures in this story are very wide spread. There will be adventures that are spiritual, magical/fantasy, traveling through different galaxies, and going through altered dimensions by traveling into worm holes. I'll just stop it there. Like Arizona, you will have to just go and experience it yourself, when the time comes!

Again, thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read about my experiences. Until next time! Here is a cheezie video I mad on YouTube, if your interested! Arizona



Thursday, July 19, 2018

15: Bariatric Bypass Celibrating -100 pounds lost

Have you been to hell? I have. Its allowing everything in life to attack me to the point where I got myself to 385 pounds. Depression kicked in, being taking advantage of, and I physically put myself in crutches. My joints ached with every step I took. My heart pounded so bad at work, that the fuse had lit for a timed heart attack. Three things triggered my next decision:

1. I looked at myself in the mirror, and said to myself.
-"How did I let myself go, you fat fluffy son of a bitch?"
2. My daughter. She came up to and hugged me. I then went into my room and had a break down
-I told my wife Amanda. I can't afford to die. No child should ever have to lose either parent
3. My wife
-I sat down with her and ask her if I should get the Bariatric Bypass procedure done?
-Amanda stated, "I like the way you are. For health, yes. Lizzie needs you."

I had an idea when I talked to Dr.Carmen in her office at the Marina, Ca Montage what I was about to get into. She had set me up with the staff at Natividad hospital in Salinas, Ca.

Here's the process (Give or take):
1. Once a month (for 7-8 months) meetings with the nutritionist.
-Each time you meet, patients are required to bring their monthly food journal
-You forget to go, and (or) for get your journal. You start the whole process over again!
It missed my 2nd meeting. Ya I started all over again...

2. Two weeks prior to surgery you meet the head nurse, nutritionist, and the surgeon. The 3 of them prep you for the following:
-Start a two week diet of a strict 800 a day diet
a) They give you a list of foods like: Sugar free jello, fruit, mash potatoes, chicken etc.
b) You must lose weight and stay below 55 BMI. You go over that. No procedure!
c) They have you ask them questions/ concerns

3. The day of surgery:
-You have to take a shower using their medical shampoo (to kill bacteria on your body).
-As you arrive at the hospital, check in, get naked and jump into your hospital gown.
a) They give you bacterial wipe pads to wipe your whole body down
b) Again this is to double tap and kill any remaining bacteria left on your body

4. Surgery...
-Your put out
-I was luck to be the only one scheduled that day
-The doc took only (1) hour to perform the surgery
From here I woke up in my room. Surprisingly enough I was in minimal pain, I felt like there was a lot of gas built up in my stomach, and I was drowsy (exactly what they warned me about). The said I'd have a lot of energy, and I should start to walk. So I did. I was able to walk down the hallway and back multiple times. Walking helped get rid of the gas pain. At this point, my stomach was the size of a thumb.

I started immediately "Phase One" of 3...
My diet for the next 10 days were the following:
Low sodium broth, unsweetened fruit juice, non-fat milk, strained cream soups, sugar free gelatin, hot cereals, thinned sugar free custard, sugar free Popsicles (the best), water, unsweetened tea.

Phase Two: 11-20 days after surgery...
I could start adding soft foods to what I was doing above
-Beans, tofu, cottage cheese (the best), soups, plain yogurt, fish (the best), egg whites, ground chicken/ tuna.

Phase Three: 21-30 days after surgery...
I had to continue eating the first two phases, while adding/ introducing one new solid food per meal. Food now has to be chewed 25 times before swallowing (you should have practiced before the surgery).  At this point I had to eat 30 minutes before eating, and (or) vise versa. I have to from this point on stop eating if I feel no longer hungry.

Things to avoid from this point on:
-Never drink from a straw
-No more carbonated drinks
-No sugar (anything above 7 gram), (cheat with Splenda, thank God!)
-No fried foods
-No coffee (decaf okay. They will tell you)
-No gum (block your food from exiting)
-No more sushi (rice will block food from exiting)
-Avoid steak, and stringy vegetables for the first year

On that note, it is smart to take a good month off of work (if you can). Why? I'm glad you asked. Your body goes into a nutritional shock! Seriously, think about this for a second. You were eating 4,000 calories a day, and now you might hit 300 calories per day!!! If you are like me the first three months I was losing 30 pounds a months! From March 21-June21, I lost -100 plus pounds. I had to walk everyday or 60 minutes. I forced myself to start lifting weights to build muscle to match the rapid loss, and to prevent saggy skin. Lack of nutrients, caused me and other patients to have severe memory loss for the first month to two months. Outside of all this, I had to teach my self how to eat all over again. So, ya, a month off from work is best (If you can afford it?).

Clothes. Ya, you need to be strategic with this. It is expensive, if you don't know what your doing, lol. My advice, invest in underwear and a belt to hold up your pants! Underwear is cheap. Buy fitting clothes 5 months out. In a year of your anniversary, start buying your actual clothes.

The medical staff talk about dumping, and to be careful, because it's gross. I suggest to purposely dumping, so you know what it feels like, and do it in your house, why? Another good question, because my dumping happened to me in public, and it sucked big time. How do you dump? You eat things your suppose to avoid (look at the list above!). My two accidents were the following three stories below:

Dumping story 1: The Santa Cruz Board Walk
I forgot to pack my meals/snacks. So when we got on the boardwalk, my stomach was aching. The family and I ran to a concession stand. I couldn't have corn dogs (fried), soda (sugar/carbonated), but then I saw "Turkey Legs" on the menu. I smiled big thinking, "It's meat. Protein. Yes!" I sat down and ate a little meat and waited for the girls to get out of the bathroom. When they came out and joined me, I let them pick off the meat from the bone, and off we went to do some of the rides. Moments after we left, I got a sharp pain in my stomach, and I didn't know what the hell was going on? The puzzle pieces began to form. The turkey leg was fried! Damn it! This pain was excruciating. The feeling is like glass shards tearing my stomach from the inside out. I wanted so badly to vomit, but couldn't. So we left and headed home, where I was in bed the rest of the day to cry.

Dumping story 2: Fro-Yo ice cream shop
Don't point the finger at me just yet, because I know what your thinking, "No Sugar, Dustin." Your right, but sugar free is actually fine!!! Take a look at the list above. It is just sugar free custard/ yogurt. Ya I did my research, lol. At this point I got my stomach the size of a measuring cup size (Still to this day for a reason). I added topping of coconut, peanuts, and trail mix. After we ate we headed to the store, Target. As we gathered our items: food, weigh scale, and other items we forgotten from a couple days past, I got a different set of stomach pain. This pain was a tad different. It was lower abdominal pain! Like poop pains as if I had the flu... My wife looked at me and said, "I know that look! Go. I got the kid." I took the metaphorical football and ran my ass to the bathroom, which was on the other side of the store. I was transplanted in a comedic movie. I ran, and I ran hard to the bathroom. Luckily, there was an empty bathroom stall. A men's dirty, empty bathroom stall. It was pissed on, pee on the floor, and just plain nasty. I used my butt muscles and locked it up, grabbed toilet paper and wiped off the toilet seat off. Yes, in some countries, I bet if you were caught not being sanitized, there was a hefty fine to pay. The pain in my lower abdominal muscles began to make noise. Naturally, my body forced me to sit down and out it came. Not poop, but brown water. Ya you heard me right, and the cries of a 41 one year old man. Nothing more. This was another form of dumping I had not experienced, but heard about, lol.

Dumping story 3: forgetting when I last ate and drank right after...
This time I was at home. Thank God... That night, I just craved something bland to eat, so I had an apple with some light peanut butter. I am pretty good about looking at a clock and wait 30 minutes before I either eat or drink. This time I didn't, and I just plain forgot. I drank right after, and soon there after, I ran to the bathroom, and vomited peanut butter, water, and apple chunks. Another form of dumping. 

There are (to my knowledge) three forms of dumping: Brown water poop, vomiting, the pain of glass shards in your stomach. This is exactly why I encourage bariatric patients to purposely try the dumping phase at least once to know what to feel and experience when your in public. Also, seriously plan to pack your meals/snacks for an outing. If you still forget, buy water, and do your best to make it through the day.

Is it worth getting this surgery done? Yes! I died, and was reborn again. I don't know what it was about the surgery, but here is what is different with me:

-I no longer crave sugar, fast food, breads, or fried foods
a) The smell of it makes me nauseated!
b) I have more energy
c) I am no longer depressed
d) I have a "I don't care attitude" (no worries)
e) My body has a mechanism to tell me no more eating

I am a totally different person than I was before. I have more confidence, a daily plan, stress free mind set, altered sense of patience, and I have to exercise daily routine. My goal is to stay eating a measuring cup size, until my March 2019 Bariatric Bypass surgery anniversary. I am hoping to lose a total of 200 pounds and reach a weight of 180 pounds. I wouldn't suggest getting this procedure done, unless all else fails. If you failed Weight Watchers, going to a gym, then this could be your last alternative. I will not push this on anyone, but I will support those who lost their way.

This book I wrote is amazing! each of the characters go through amazing transformations, like I have. Some of the characters are based on family members. Experiences are based on my personal lives It is a basic mix of a little bit of everything. I'm hoping to start the second book S.H.A.R.K. It is a story that falls in the same timeline as The World is Rigged, where it starts off Ozmosis, and Avery attempting to save Oop and Ed in the intergalactic war outside of Earth's atmosphere. That is enough for now...


Until we talk again,


Friday, July 13, 2018

#14: Hate

Hate. It is a strong word. To comments made about Hollywood by Yahoo trolls, for the ones who cut us off during our drive to work on Monday mornings, and the coworkers who smile to your face who talk behind your back. What has our society come to in this point in time?

A few weeks back when I had to change up my daughters bed frame made out of PVC, I had to head over to Home Depot for some parts. It was busy that weekend. As I pulled into the parking lot I stopped for a gentleman to reverse and pull out of his spot. After reversing, the guy didn't have enough room to drive forward, but continued to do it any way. He ran his car up an cement island from his spot and about hit the car the family and I was in. He then gave me the stink eye as if I was at fault for what he did? In that moment I thought, "Someone is not having a good day." 

The following Monday, I hopped in my car and drove to work. Usually when I drive, I prey. My discussion with God is random but either of the following: Preying for the assistance in publishing my book and creating a financial freedom for my family with growing up in a harsh lifestyle growing up, helping cruel people to change their ways, asking to walk in God's footsteps, and asking for spiritual awakening.

I had a prayer one morning on my way to work. I asked God this, "Are you happy with what you had created? Was this your original plan?" 

Lately, I been observing society and how everyone interacts with one another in public. It is interesting. When we take our daughter to Dennis the Menace park in Monterey. As we consistently keep 10-15 feet away from our little girl, I notice parents letting their kids run wild as they all stand in parent circle talking to one another sipping their coffee, and texting on their cell phones. And I wonder why their are kidnappings lately?

In the summer program, we had a potluck for the students on their last day. I had a list for parents to sign up for either a main dish, side, beverage, or silverware. Notice I did not list dessert...Keep in mind, private care is roughly $800.00. Parents saved 1,600.00 for the summer, so what did they bring? First off, 1/3 signed up. One family brought Mac & cheese, the second family brought a vegetable tray, and another family brought meatballs. The rest of the families brought cupcakes, pizza, juice, cookies and cake. Can you guess the after math with 100 students? In the end, I get it. It was their last day. I'm sure parents were thinking fun and festive. I was shocked to have parents say thank you for helping us with making a safe and friendly environment for the children. I had a few students hug me and hope to see me next year. I had a few students and families even inquire about when my book was going to be published. Tit for tat, right?

Then I came across Oprah's British Vogue interview. She talked about who she would like to have for dinner. I believe she stated, "I want Jesus to come to dinner. Is this what you wanted?" Oprah, if your reading, I hear you, and I agree! I really do. There is so much term oil.

It is a calling for me to write this book. I am meant to share my stories and bring people together. I know it will not happen over night. Hell, I been working on this novel for 30 years. I do hope it happens soon. Time is something no one can hold, because it slips through all our fingers. 

I have not posted a picture. I need you to digest. To think about these words and to observe the world around you. There is chaos in this world. The one thing I do have is hope. I know something great will happen soon, so I am patiently waiting for the outcome. And I hope you do to.

Until next time,


Sunday, July 8, 2018

13. Avocado Breakfast Cups (A.B.C)

Before I post my next big Friday post, I needed to share with you a Keto recipe I call the Avocado Breakfast Cup (The ABC's to breakfast). Here's the recipe:

1. (2) Avocados
-Cut in half (makes 4 Breakfast bowls)
-Use a melon ball scooper and scoop out enough to fit the egg in

2. (4) eggs
-Crack open the eggs
-Pour the eggs in each Avocado half

3. Small pack of shredded Cheese
-I used the three cheese blend
-Cover the egg (actual amount is up to you).

4. A pack of bacon
-Cut in half (store other half in freezer to use another day)
-Cook & chop up the bacon
-Sprinkle on top of avocado

5.Pre-heat oven to 345'
-Cook for 15 minutes

The only thing I regret is not using sour cream, lol.

I made sure in my story, The World Is Rigged the main characters family know how to cook. Food is good for the soul, and to embrace other food from different cultures should be a spiritual experience.

Have you tried this yet? If so, what are your thoughts?

If you are a breakfast foodie, I got another one similar for you meat lovers!!!

Until next time,


12. Bed Mod

A few months back, I went on Pinterest and built my kid a PVC bed frame (pic #1). So after earning my "Brownie Points Badge" for being the coolest dad on planet Earth, I foresaw something straight off the bat. I told my daughter the following, "Honey. Please do not jump on the bed, you can break it." Last week, being sick, it was time for bed. One of us parents tucked her in, hugged, and kissed her good night. Our daughter Lizzie farts around before going to bed. As my wife and I watched her in the camera, she began bouncing on the bed, and popped off the PVC ribs the held  the mattress on. So Lizzie freaked out, cried, and automatically thought the monsters are going to get her. We had no choice but to have her sleep with us.

The next morning, I took a look at the aftermath and thought, "How the hell am I going to fix this?" Then, the idea came to me. I'll make an interactive fort bed. I ran rope along the ribs of the PVC rib frame and placed all of her stuffed animals on top. Now, when she's laying down below, if she needs a stuffed animal to sleep with, she can just pull one down to her (or shove it back on top). Next, I used the other half of the top frame to put her clothes in plastic tubs, which made more in her room. Check out pic #3.

Phase 3, how do I take care of the invisible monsters? Bingo, I went to Walmart, bought cheap twin bed sheets (Lizzie picked the color), pound metal circular fasteners, and hang it around the bed like a fortress to hide in. Check out pic#4.

Then comes the "Money Shot." The 2nd pic is her first reaction seeing the mod upgrade. "The Money Shot" pic is her and mom inside checking out the fortress. Lizzie loves her bed even more. She pulls down the babies (stuffed animals) she needs, and stuffs them back up through the netted rope.

The World Is Rigged is funny when I think about it. As I was working on this project two years ago, before my daughter was born. There is a scene where Oop and Ed crash land in the trailer and find themselves surround by D's sisters stuffed animals thinking heir all dead creatures, lol. I giggle sometimes, because I feel there was inspiration behind the story and my daughter soon to be brought into this world. There is a lot we do not understand, and the mysteries of what comes to be.

Do you experience situations that can not be explained? I'd love to hear about it from your perspective.

Have a great rest of the weekend,


Friday, July 6, 2018

11. 3 Rings in a relationship

"There are three rings in a relationship. The engagement ring. The wedding ring, and the suffering."

Why did I bring this particular topic up? Am I planting seeds? Yes. everything will make sense, when the book is released. You know I could just throw in the plot right now, but then it wouldn't be fun, and you would lose interest, so lets keep the dice rolling.

I have to be honest, I am a bit sick this week, and I have let my mind wonder for a bit of a walk.

The quote above is true but everyone has their own version, and it is in your right to share your experience(s). Here is mine.

The "Engagement ring" is literally a walk on the beach. You're in love. Their in love. Kiss. Hug. Hold hands and show each other off to the world. Everything is bliss. There are other light condiments to add in this part of the sandwich like: getting to know each others like/dislikes (Compatibility), introducing one another to families (The perfect time), planning the future, double dating, and quirky stuff like that. I literally can go on and on about what I call the day dream effect.

But lets get into the meat part of the burger. "The wedding ring." This is where it starts unfolding. This is where you fully commit to one another. Give your vows, Settling down, and starting a family. I heard this as a metaphor once before, and this is how it goes. Your whole life you have been given a breakfast variety pack: Eggs, sausage, bacon, hash browns, and all the fixings. Now, you can only have one, and only one for the rest of your life Which do you choose? Disagreements begin to happen, but its manageable. Why? because it makes us stronger for the third phase. 

"The suffering." is the final ring. I see, hear, and have felt different versions of this ring. I read a story of a couple that were childhood sweethearts. I believe how the story went was he was a doctor in England, and she was a teacher back in the states. Life had them find each other again, and they got married. The two found out she had thyroid cancer in her neck. It didn't stop her smiling, and living life at the most. She died shortly after. He saw it through and was brave for doing so. He is a true bad ass. A person who can take a metaphorical beating, and have a heart of an angel.

I found the stories from random news papers. Here's the link(s):

What are my thoughts about my personal life? I feel we are a typical couple. Our love is really strong. we have our moments, like shooting Paper, Rock, Scissors to put our daughter to bed. Amanda debates with me where to go on the weekend, what to eat, and other random topic surface from time to time. In the end, we still say, "I love you" to each other, and we support both our decisions. These three rings are a learning experience.

In The World Is Rigged, the main character's father "Dale," is a single dad. A loss of his wife made him who he is in the book. A strong independent father, a ruff neck, and a teddy bear given the situation(s) thrown at him. Each character in this story goes through a metamorphous. Yes. Life is preparing them for something big about to change their lives. It is a funny fickle. Just like these weekly blogs I'm throwing at you. I am prepping, sharing, inspiring, and leading you to something big in the end.

All good things come to an end.

Until next time,
