Saturday, January 5, 2019

#30: Bord3rlands 3 Leak

"I am totally hyped up about this game coming up!"
The below information can be found at the bottom of this blog.
I hope "Black" can be added to the other weapons:
-White, green, purple, blue, orange, and pearlescent levels 

Extra DLC's is unknown

New characters: 
-These (3) of 4 characters are out of alpha testing
-everything is subject to change due to this leak!

1. Mosey
-Female Solider (Same character tech demo for the GDZ demo 17)
Action Skill: 
The Bot Jock (An Iron Bear Mech Titan, which the player can control)
Co-op focused skill tree
Other player(s) can control the turret on the mech named: The Iron Bear

2. Norma (designed based off a fan concept)
-Siren Mele focused
Cosmetic design: 
-African American Female, purple hair 
3 Action Skills:
-Phase lock (hold multiple enemies)
-Ground pound
-Projection (clone herself & shoot at enemies)

3. Zane (Operative)
Assassin with the ability to clone himself
Action Skill:
-Gadgets (possible characters will have multiple parts to action skill)
Cosmetic design:
-Looks to be wealthy, old white male, black eye patch

Type: Hunter
-The Beast Master
Action Skill:
-Control 3 Pets to choose from
Cosmetic Design:
-This character is a traditional robot (cyclops)
-Looks like a homeless character
This character has more work to do
-Pet A.I. had bugs 


Non-Playable Characters or... (N.P.C's)
-Story will allow what past character(s) have been up to
-Characters that were alive in B.L.2 will make an appearances in Borderlands 3
Tina Tina:
-Now be in her late teens/ early 20's
-She was 13 when Borderlands 2 came out
-Good 7 year time jump will allow for story development
Members of the Raiders will be in the game
-Will Now be able to revive you
-Have passive skills each can use
-We can assume that:
Clap Trap
Captain Scarlett

Game Play:
-Player can travel to multiple Vaults (diff planets)
Pandora (Start off on this planet)
Eden Six
Traveling between planets
Trophy room: 
Show off loot
-Time jump in game
-Four vehicles
-Children of the Vault
Reveal Date:
-Fall release date (September) 2019 (Gearbox's past release game dates)
my guess... 85% completed, so
-Christmas 2019
Weapon Manufactures (4 confirmed)
-Children of the Vault
-More added but Gearbox can't publicly confirm
-Weapons can change
a) elements on the fly & "New elements" will be added to the game!!!
b) Change how they fire
c) Manufacture traits will be returning


New Enemies:
-Female & male (Game will explain why we did not see females on Pandora)
& more...

-Please take this information with a grain salt. Gearbox can change these concpts(s)
This information was been found on youtube from:
-Hayder Hype
You Tube title is:
-Borderlands 3 HUGE LEAK! Game 80-85% Done, Children of the Vault, & more

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