Saturday, January 5, 2019

#30: Bord3rlands 3 Leak

"I am totally hyped up about this game coming up!"
The below information can be found at the bottom of this blog.
I hope "Black" can be added to the other weapons:
-White, green, purple, blue, orange, and pearlescent levels 

Extra DLC's is unknown

New characters: 
-These (3) of 4 characters are out of alpha testing
-everything is subject to change due to this leak!

1. Mosey
-Female Solider (Same character tech demo for the GDZ demo 17)
Action Skill: 
The Bot Jock (An Iron Bear Mech Titan, which the player can control)
Co-op focused skill tree
Other player(s) can control the turret on the mech named: The Iron Bear

2. Norma (designed based off a fan concept)
-Siren Mele focused
Cosmetic design: 
-African American Female, purple hair 
3 Action Skills:
-Phase lock (hold multiple enemies)
-Ground pound
-Projection (clone herself & shoot at enemies)

3. Zane (Operative)
Assassin with the ability to clone himself
Action Skill:
-Gadgets (possible characters will have multiple parts to action skill)
Cosmetic design:
-Looks to be wealthy, old white male, black eye patch

Type: Hunter
-The Beast Master
Action Skill:
-Control 3 Pets to choose from
Cosmetic Design:
-This character is a traditional robot (cyclops)
-Looks like a homeless character
This character has more work to do
-Pet A.I. had bugs 


Non-Playable Characters or... (N.P.C's)
-Story will allow what past character(s) have been up to
-Characters that were alive in B.L.2 will make an appearances in Borderlands 3
Tina Tina:
-Now be in her late teens/ early 20's
-She was 13 when Borderlands 2 came out
-Good 7 year time jump will allow for story development
Members of the Raiders will be in the game
-Will Now be able to revive you
-Have passive skills each can use
-We can assume that:
Clap Trap
Captain Scarlett

Game Play:
-Player can travel to multiple Vaults (diff planets)
Pandora (Start off on this planet)
Eden Six
Traveling between planets
Trophy room: 
Show off loot
-Time jump in game
-Four vehicles
-Children of the Vault
Reveal Date:
-Fall release date (September) 2019 (Gearbox's past release game dates)
my guess... 85% completed, so
-Christmas 2019
Weapon Manufactures (4 confirmed)
-Children of the Vault
-More added but Gearbox can't publicly confirm
-Weapons can change
a) elements on the fly & "New elements" will be added to the game!!!
b) Change how they fire
c) Manufacture traits will be returning


New Enemies:
-Female & male (Game will explain why we did not see females on Pandora)
& more...

-Please take this information with a grain salt. Gearbox can change these concpts(s)
This information was been found on youtube from:
-Hayder Hype
You Tube title is:
-Borderlands 3 HUGE LEAK! Game 80-85% Done, Children of the Vault, & more

Sunday, December 16, 2018

29: What a Holiday Season!

I been absent for a while now. Here's why:

Car Accident:
Thursday before Thanksgiving week, I was in a "Hit & Run" Car wreck. Yes, let me explain:
I left work around 6pm. due to Day light saving time in November it gets dark here in California. I entered the round about, and instead of heading straight to the highway, I decide to take the back roads in case of a holiday accident to avoid sitting in traffic as I made that right turn, something told me to take the more straight forward route, and I didn't.

Before I reached the back roads by the apartments, a Dodge caravan in the opposite lane began drifting into my lane at the last minute. I immediately swerved to my right side of the lane, and the driver scraped up my. New. 2018. HONDA CRV and kept driving off. I immediately flipped around, called the cops, and continued chasing her. The emergency person on the line stated, "Doe the driver appear to be drunk?"

I stated, "I. I don't know. I'm in the middle of chasing her down!"

So here is the punch in the nut sack. I continued to honk, throw on and off my high beams to let her know I'm behind her, and you know where she stops? 50 feet from my job! Can you believe that? Here's a Google Earth view of the fun:

If I remember the story correctly (Notes sent to her insurance), We both got out of the car and the following conversation took place:

Me: "Are you okay?"
driver: "Your headlights blinded me."
Me: "What are you doing staring at them in the dark?"
driver: "Did you call the cops?"
Me: "Yes! You drove into my lane and destroyed my car!" I point to the damage.
driver: "I didn't think I have to stop. I didn't think I did that much damage?"
Me: "You stop no matter how bad it was, so the police can inspect the collision damage, area, location..."

So, the police came took both our information, cited the driver for the hit & run, and sent us both home. The driver never started a claim, so more work for me to do. Just this past week, the driver admitted fault, so now I need to get the car fixed.

House Appliances:
Damn the car accident drove and continued on into my home, starting with the stove. Yup, it stopped working. It got bad to the point you had to light the damn thing up with a BBQ lighter, and only one burner worked. We got a new one. And yeah, this was a lengthy story as well.

I asked Amanda to ask her dad if he knew of anyone that could cut tile. Through text, he stated, "I can. I'll help you out."Her dad suggested to go through Craig's List to find a cheap/new one. We decided to go through Home Depot or Lowe's. New Gas ovens 36' sizes (closest that will fit the hole on our counter) ran around $400 and up, due to Black Friday/ Holiday sales. 

Luckily, I went to Amazon and found a new one for $250.00 and it was child proof! And it just fit the hole we needed! Boom, Amanda's dad just needed to cut 1/2 inch of tile on only one side!!!!

He comes over one weekend to do this. I thought it was nice that he wanted to help, and we stated it would our Christmas present. This is what went wrong...

He began complaining. He suggested I go to Home Depot or Lowe's and order one that fit the hole after he told me to go on Craig's List to buy a used one. Geez, I called this out before it happened. I told him the following:

Larry, I did the following:
-I went on Craig's List for 2 hours
-I went to 3 different Home Depot Stores
-I went to 3 different Lowe's stores
-Both stores said the same thing after looking at the picture
a) It is an "OLD" model.
b) The cut out dimensions are different from the newer models
c) The hole will need to be cut to fit any new model in
d) The Amazon model is the closet I found that will fit and less work to do

So what does he do...
-Larry...ignores my explanation
-Calls a local Home Depot
-Asks a sales rep to give him the cut out dimensions for multiple gas top ovens
-In the end after two hours, the sales rep tells him what I told him
-Larry decides to install what I bought anyway

In the end, we took him out to lunch, and off he went. Thank you Larry.

The refrigerator:
The following day from the oven experience, the refrigerator stopped working. No joke. Ice melted, food stunk, and the family and I had to throw out $200 plus worth of food. The SEARS repair guy came and charged us $100 to tinker around with it. In the end, he handed me a 10% off coupon and stated the compressor was broke and there was no fluid to keep the food cold. He temporarily fixed it, and our $1000.00 refrigerator comes in Monday. I'm planning to do some food art and will probably deduct this from taxes.

From the car wreck, I recently got X-RAYS & a MRI done. I come to find out (I believe if I read the report right) I have (4) bulging disks in my spine, and the start of scoliosis. And I still need to speak to my doctor to see if I read that right, and if a doctors note is needed for work? 

Rigg LLC Logo (top picture):
I recently got my Rigg LLC formed. I love the new logo. What are your thoughts? Here is the meaning behind it:

When those have a great idea most think it is in a straight line. You start it, peruse it, and finish it. In reality, you start the idea and in the process start making mistakes along the way. Interestingly enough, it is through these mistakes we take these odd turns to learn a great deal, and create something great within this chaos.

My logo is an arrow of how an idea starts and finishes. The dragon bubble represents the great idea created from these same mistakes (the dragon here also represents my Chinese new year animal, which I think is wicked, lol!).

Now for the slogan, I am stuck between either:
"Always moving forward."
"Making your mark."

Until next time,


Wednesday, November 21, 2018

28: Thanksgiving Nom Nom's...Harry Potter: Pumpkin Juice & Pumpkin Ice Cream Recipe!

Hello All,

Took a break from life. The book is my main focus now. I got something going on over seas at the moment. It's quite a hush hush... for now. Its Big but in the mean time, we have Thanksgiving is among us so I got (2) recipes to share: Pumpkin Ice Cream (P.I.C.) and the Harry Pumpkin Juice.

So, Let's get started:

Recipe one: Pumpkin Ice Cream: No churning needed, just freeze
-4 large bananas (quicker if frozen)
-1/2 cup canned pumpkin puree

-Raw honey, pure maple syrup, non-irradiated cinnamon, or chocolate chips

-Blend ingredients together for soft serve texture, and freeze for firmer ice cream. 
-If in the freezer for a while, let it soften for about 5 minutes.

Recipe Two: Harry Potter's Pumpkin Juice
-3 cups Apple Cider
-200 ml Apricot nectar
-1 1/4 cup Pumpkin Puree
-1 tbls Pumpkin Pie Spice
-2 tbls. Sugar
-For a little more kick add Bailey's Pumpkin Spice liquor (adults only!) 

-Add sugar and pumpkin pie spice together in a separate bowl and set aside.
-Pour water, apple juice & apricot nectar into a large bowl and stir.
-Whisk in pumpkin puree until fully incorporated.
-Take sugar and spice mix and add to juice mixture, mix well.
(Serve chilled or strained with ice. Enjoy!)

Sunday, November 11, 2018

#27 Hannah

A lot has been going on in my life right now. I'd like to put my problems a side and focus on Hannah Hutchinson. To my understanding, she has been sexually harrased at her school in U.P. Michigan. This needs to stop! We need all educational institutions to keep our students safe! Phillip Hutchinson has stretched his resources and talked to the admin, superintendent, school board, and now the govenor. Still this continues. Please show your support, and leave a comment! I will help bring awarness and help Hannah the best I can! Please read below on Phillip's struggle to keep Hannah in a safe enviroment! Thank you.

"What I have to tell you now is horrible. Hanna is being sexually harassed again in school. This time it's by two boys. I reported it 2 days ago and it happened again yesterday. They filled out the "what's the problem" report and not the "harassment" report. This is how they get away with it. Because wasn't reported as harassment it can't be a second second offense if it happens again! However it already has. How much you want to bet these kids don't miss a day of school. Just like the last kid. And the kid before that."
"Some of my friends and family wanted an update on the Inland Lakes school situation so here it is. Not only is your principal under investigation by the school board but also by the office of civil rights your superintendent is now being investigated by the school board, so is your vice principal Frank Schneider. At the last board meeting I explained to the school board that the counselor Hannah was talking to after all these incidences has been sharing privileged information with the superintendent Brad Jacobs! The one man we would not want to have this information! We're accusing him of aiding and abetting in the harassment of my daughter and he should not have privileged information from the counselor. I also stated the fact that he received privileged information on many occasions and that he knows receiving privileged information is wrong let alone sharing privileged information. Not sure if there's any law against receiving privileged information but I know it can't be right if you're harassing a child and receiving privileged information on that child. That doesn't sound right at all does it? So I guess you can throw the counselor Miss Taryn DavisHanson from Cheboygan Otsego Presque Isle School District on the list of people harassing my daughter. And how is it these people have not been held accountable? The school has neglected the safety of a child for over a year. The school has neglected the safety of a child repetitively. I got to believe it's no longer child neglect it's child abuse. I've caught them in lies, filing knowingly false reports, disregarding reports, failing to follow policy, sharing privileged information on a child to a person that is harassing that child and Delaying investigations. Miss Taryn Davis- Hanson has shared reports on medical condition, medical status private phone conversations with Hannah's mother, custody status, School issues, private conversations with me and did this with a computer. Not only did she share information on my daughter but shared information on me and Hannah's mother also. We now have it in writing at Cheboygan Otsego presqu'ile School District that Miss Taryn Davis-Hanson is not allowed to talk to my daughter. And now it is up to the school board to take action.
It just never ends.
Lord help me"
"A principal a superintendent a vice principal and the counselor could not keep 1 kid off of my daughter for 8 months. Or should I say "would" not keep a kid off my daughter for eight months? I'm going to say would not due to the fact it was 8 months!
Let this sink in.
4 adults would not separate one boy from one girl with charges of bullying and sexual harassment"

Saturday, October 6, 2018

#26: Uesugi Pumpkin Farm!

The family and I escaped to Gilroy and bought some pumpkins at the Uesugi Pumpkin Farm in Morgan Hill Ca today.

At this point, I should label it a tradition. We go, because Lizzie loves...loves picking out pumpkins. In the picture above, she already had her eyes set out on that perfect pumpkin. The rule we tell her is, "If you can pick it up. It's yours." Lizzie always attempts to get one her height and breaks the huge stem picking it up. I can't blame her for trying. My younger self would have tried just the same technique, lol.

Obviously, Lizzie got a traditional wheel barrel ride, I lost another 20 pounds in the picture above, making my weight loss 120 pounds. Geez, I'm wasting away!

The family hopped on the train, and took it around the park. Whether I was 400 pounds or 260 pounds, I still cant sit in those seats at 6'1 feet, lol.

Lizzie did her regular animal zoo visits, and rode another pony named, "Smiley." The employee there stated, "If you blow on Smiley's nose, he'll smile!"

Any who. So, after the rides, we went into the pumpkin patch and got 3 baby sized pumpkins, a fairytale pumpkin and I believe a Cinderella pumpkin shaped ordeal. 

After this adventure, we made a stop to go eat. Keeping up on the weight loss, I had shrimp. The girls went to Popeye's Fried Chicken. We also made another stop and got some frozen yogurt.

Man, when we got home, I was drained, and had zero energy? Not sure what happened? Amanda took a long nap. When she woke up, she tagged me out and I laid in bed for a good couple of hours.

As far as the book series goes, I am working on the 2nd book, and I'll be posting characters sketches on FACEBOOK

As we enter another Halloween theme month, be sure to stay safe, but at the same time have fun!

Stay Frosty Friends!


Saturday, September 29, 2018

#25: Facebook Page!

Hello there! I do believe this will be one of my shortest blogs yet! I spent a good time on a Saturday afternoon creating my FACEBOOK page to promote and create a voice for my novel THE WORLD IS RIGGED.

There, you will find all my characters from the book, promotion, release date(s), and where I'll plan my meet and greet locations.

So, lets cut to the chase. Go there and check it out!

Boom! That. Just. Happened, lol.

Have a great rest of the weekend!


Sunday, September 23, 2018

#24: Lizzie's Birthday 5am-9:30pm

My day began at appx 5am in the morning. Knowing on what Amanda and I decided on celebrating Lizzie's birthday party a few days early, I knew this would be a, lol.

My mom joined us for this extremely long road trip, which was nice. we all hopped in the car and left around 8:45am. As we went down the road, I asked if Amanda had her iPhone? She said, "No." We turned around and drove back to the house, just to find out it was in my pocket all along. Back off, I'm already tired damn it, lol.

As I drove towards highway 1, Amanda went online to buy tickets for the Mystery Spot in Santa Cruz. Low and behold, families were all ready purchasing tickets in the morning (our plan to get back early). So, we were able to buy tickets for 1:45pm.

So, plans were changed. Now, We needed to do something up until we have to go to the Mystery Spot. The decision was made to hang out at The Santa Cruz Board Walk. "The Plan" was to go on some rides at 10am for an hour or so, before we head over to the Mystery Spot in order to kill time. As we arrived, ides were not open until 11am. The family was unaware that the Boardwalk had a family tent sleep night. Rolling our eyes (Why us?), we had to entertain Lizzie, and make this day frigging memorable, even though, it seemed like A National Lampoon's Griswold's vacation to Wally World deal (look up the movie for you younger generations and watch it). The arcade saved us. As we checked out the games, I saw a claw machine where you "COULD" win a stuffed animal. Well, I walked passed one with dinosaurs. Can you believe it...Lizzie at 4 is seriously into dinosaurs, seriously! So, I had my mom and Amanda keep Lizzie occupied with games, so I can surprise her with this giant Dinosaur. There I was. Left alone. Me and this cheating machine. I swiped the card and played. I moved and angled that damn claw over the dinosaur. I hit the damn red button to descend the claw, and it picked up the dinosaur. As the claw pulled up the dinosaur about half way into the air, the claw flinched slightly open, dropping the helpless dinosaur back to the stuffie depths of hell with the other prisoners of war. This was a repeat of my 3rd attempt to win the damn thing for my daughter. My luck took a turn for the worse as Lizzie stops in the middle of the blinking lights taking her attention away from all the games to say, "Where's Daddy?" She runs over to me and says, "Oh! Dinosaurs. I love dinosaurs!" Lizzie smiles up at me, squeezes her face to the glass, wanting that dinosaur. I'm thinking to myself, "I need that. Damn. Dinosaur..." So, I:

-Swipe the card on the 4th attempt.
-Grab the joystick.
-Move the joystick over the dinosaur.
-Moved three times closer to the hole.
-Hit the red button to descend the claw.
-Hop, like a Black Widow, the claw goes down for the kill.
-Saw the claw grab and pick up that dinosaur.
-The claw "MID-WAY" jerks to drop the dinosaur AND FAILS.
-The dinosaur is "STUCK" in the claw.
-The claw is forced to bring my daughters dinosaur to the "Exit" hatch!
-The dinosaurs is dropped into the hole, but is now stuck from dropping.
-"DAD" (me) punches the damn glass arena, and rattles the dinosaur to drop through he exit.
-Lizzie jumps up and down in excitement fist bumping in the air for her dinosaur.
-"DAD" (me) aggressively shoves arm into the hole:
a) Grabs the dinosaur
b) Gives dinosaur to Lizzie
c) Takes that damn trophy (picture above) to remember the damn experience, lol!

It was time for ice cream! Lizzie agreed to be, "All hands on deck." So we all packed up and went to Mariannes Ice Cream. They are the Willy Wonka with 105 flavors. Check out the link I provided! My mom, she got Blackberry ice cream, Amanda got white mint, Lizzie got Watermelon, and I got sugar-free green mint ice cream (picture above). Of course, Lizzie had to sample everyone else's flavors, and we were happy to help. I take it upon myself to snap off another (picture above) photo of Lizzie and Amanda making ridiculous faces for the viewer.  Next, Lizzie just wanted mom to feed her the ice cream? I get it. Before we left, we had Lizzie use the bathroom, before heading out to The Mystery Spot. I know my kid hits the bathroom every 60 minutes or so. Finally, Lizzie stops in front of a mother and older daughter and says this in a lisp, "Hello!" She waves and then finishes with, "My name is Lizzie, and I am four years old!" Lizzie then holds up four fingers to the mom. The mom laughs and says, "Hi Lizzie. I'm (so and so)!" Lizzie then replies, "Okay! Bye," and leaves the ice cream shop with us.

As I fast forward, the family magically arrive at "THE MYSTERY SPOT." as I do my research. It is not a mystery. The original location was in fact in Prunedale, California in the mid 1970's. They say the location is mysterious due to the gravitational pull of the land, and they prove that with a tilted house built at an angle. They have some interesting points to prove this fact like: rolling a ball at an angle for it to fall, but rolls upward as if it launches into space. As an end result, because everything is built at an angle, it throws off ones perception and makes it believable (Similar as working at a job and how everyone curbs their office dialect to talk and manipulate one another). It was fun for the kid, and that is what counts, right? My mom got nauseated from the steep walk, and tilted architecture. Amanda was already kind of sick, and had to step out. Lizzie had a blast, so this made me smile that she had a great time (pic above).

From here we headed home. Around 5pm, we met up with Amanda's mom, and headed over to Sapporo. It is equivalent to Benihana, just way better! The did the choo-choo train with the onion and did, "FIRE," and, "EXPLOSIONS!" Lizzie had a blast! The chef even played basketball using pieces of chicken to shoot into our mouths. The chef bricked pieces of chicken off my face three times. The chef then tossed a piece perfectly into Lizzie's mouth, and she ended up choking a little bit (She's perfectly okay). 

At the end of the meal, the Sapporo's crew sang happy birthday to Lizzie and gave her a pineapple boat of fruit. So, ya, in my 16.5 hour day, I believe Lizzie had a great time. Her dad (me) won her a big dinosaur that she now sleeps/ protects her from the monsters bumping around at night. The Mystery Spot gave her super human powers that allowed her to walk on walls. She got to see "FIRE" & "EXPLOSIONS" in a far away country who was nice enough to sing her a farewell birthday song. To a four year old, it was an adventure. To her, she did the daring adventure some kids won't get to have. For Lizzie, she knew without her parents, this would never have happened. When Lizzie reads this blog as she becomes an adult, she will probably cry, hug me when I'm old, and say "Thank you" for these great times. 

Happy 4th birthday my love. I wish you more smiles to come!


16.5 hours spent awake!