I haven't done a character profile in a while, so here is another character set from The World is Rigged. This is another family series, I decided to share out.
On the your far left is Rus Tafarri. He is a foreign exchange student traveling by foot to reach the Rigg family. His introduction to the book is a funny one. I wrote this specific character as societies stereotype. Take Rus for an example, I dressed his in a traditional tribal clothing, and have his start his journey romping through his native island to get to a boat that will take him to the U.S. Although he has a thick accent, Rus speaks with an I.Q. of 150, as he tosses around political reviews on how to make improvements on the island.
Now that I think about it, each of these characters are based on societies stereotypes… interesting.
Next his Sugar "Pops" Rigg. This liver spotted blue skinned elder is the grandfather of the Rigg family. I made his skin blue, to express his struggle breathing as an elderly person. I love the touch of his corduroy pants being hiked up to his sagging chest. He is a retired military vet, who shares bizarre stories of the war with his family. Knowing this, makes one think. As the author, I really do not want to ruin it for you all, so just wait for the book.
"Atomic Blast" Rufus. he is the families dog. Rufus is black mix of Chihuahua & Labrador Retriever, nothing more. A lap dog waiting for Dustin to come home and snuggle with him in bed. Then one night, Rufus followed Dustin up the hill and got caught in the U.F.O. explosion. This blast changed Rufus's genetic makeup turning his skin and fur green, and accidentally hiked up his intelligence to a genius level. Hell, the blast even gave him the ability to walk upright, and fully speak and understand the English language. Being scared of society knowing this he pretends to walk on all fours, until...
And finally, Farmer John. The biggest stereotype of the four here. He's the redneck cousin of the family. For his design, I just drug his name in the genetic gene pool by making him a redneck, farmer, hillbilly, gun toting, and country loving farmer. He's got the brains capacity short of a simple land animal. He struggles to kill his arch nemesis, a turkey named, "Lunch Box." Let me ask you this, we can all go to the grocery store to buy fruits and vegetables, but can you successfully grow them in your backyard?
People might call these characters simple people. I will call them ideal individuals. They are colorful individuals that stand out from one another, and know who they are. These characters do not seek out to look like everyone else. They live simple lives, and each one has a story to tell.
Thanks for reading,
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