Friday, August 24, 2018

#20: Are you shy about your body?

The answer is, "Yes." I been abused my whole life to be honest. My mom dated an alcoholic after my mom & dad divorced. 

from the years between 8-17, her boyfriend would say, 'Why are you crying? Why don't you go out and get your self a braw and a dress?" You how much that hurts to a kid, when they are over weight.
These comments got me bad grades in high school, and not graduate my senior year.

Then I starved my self and got skinny. Can you guess what happened next. Right, another insult.

In college, I focused on weightlifting, and gained stacks of muscle. Now the drunk knocked me down and said, "What are you a tool? All those muscles and no brains, figures..." Lord Jesus, what an asshole!

I wondered for a while, after I called the cops, and got rid of him this. Why was I having so many health problems? Could you imagine losing dramatic weight one year, gain weight the next, putting on muscle the following year, then getting huge after that. Geez, I put my body into shock through each change.

Parents/ guardians please remember this, "Children are so fragile, precious, and sensitive to what is said to them." So please be careful with their hearts. You all got one shot to raise them, don't make this mistake. 

I now have a house, a great wife, and a 3 year old daughter who (Due to my childhood) I carefully plan out her life. She has a chance to grow up and have the life I never had! I consider her a winning lottery ticket, and there isn't anything. Anything I wouldn't do for her. Every weekend, we take her out to do stuff: hiking (Big Sur), swimming, teach her cooking/art, science projects, parks, so you get the point, right!

She might be young now, but she will start school soon enough. She'll make friends (a lot), and I know she will come with us with this question, "Was I a mistake/accident?" 

I can proudly say, "Honey. Mom and I planned for you to be here. We went to college and got our B.A. degrees, found jobs, got married, saved money, and planned you. Lizzie, Mom and I are happy/proud to have you in our lives. You are not an accident, we both meant for you to be here with us! I love you!"

I can't wait for this book to be published next year! The main characters (D & Panda) are shy about their body. When they find out about their special abilities, D uses their abilities at the Monterey's "Farmers Market" to buff himself up for his sister's friends, lol. So ya, he's ashamed/ shy of his physique. D comes to understand his bod doesn't matter anymore... I do not want to give in to the plot.

That's for now. So, what are your thoughts? I gotta go grab a late dinner.



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